
Terminology Used In Lottery Online Game – Link vao Lode88

When participating in entertaining games like lottery online, we will come across many terms. To make your game more effective, today will list the terms that often appear in the lottery online.

Banker (batch lot)

The banker is the one who just came out to record the lottery vs casino results and follow. However, the dealer is the one who will stand out to pay you a prize if you win a lot or lottery. Therefore, you should choose topics that are reputable and “share” the results of winning or losing with you.Agency (contractor)

It is a safe way for players if they no longer trust the batch thread. The dealer is the person who is in the middle of both the thread owner and the player, who will be responsible for all issues related to the player’s prize. Topical bidders are called agents when they participate in online lottery systems. This is to attract more people to the contractors.

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It is the person who directly buys the lottery ticket, which is profitable for the home of the lottery owners and the contractor if the player loses. However, there are quite a lot of contractors, and lottery owners have to “default” when encountering an experienced lot of players.


The money, also known as the capital of the player to buy the number, the lower the amount of money, the less money the player will have when buying the number.

Depending on the type of lottery in different places, the exact amount used to buy the number will also vary.


Commissions are also called scrap money, which the lot owner must pay to the house. The higher the commission, the more often there is a winning rate than other places.


This is the profit of the contractor deals when the end of the lot. This amount is calculated by subtracting all the exact money, commissions … Each house must know how to calculate this amount, so as not to “lose both lead and fishing” when the customer wins or loses.

Eat rate

The rate of pay is also known by many as the winning or winning ratio, this is the prize that the player wins or wins. However, each place will have a different calculation, so players should choose contractors with high meal rates to be able to win big rewards.

Song Thu lot

Song Thu lot is explained by experts very simply, is playing 2 children and dividing the stake. A simple example is today you want to hit your child with a score of 1000. But a senior is giving you the advice that you should play 90. You are confused and wondering which option

to choose, which solution is simple. It’s simple for you to split your stake. Mark 09 500 points and 90 also 500 points.

Bach Thu lot

This is a completely opposite Song Thu lot. Bach Thu lot or also known as a connoisseur of the lot. This is the only way to play against a single lucky number. If you can eat all but fall, then you won’t.

Bao lots

This is an unfamiliar term for thematic lottery players. And they also understand very well that this is a game that has a very high win rate. Different from bingo and white lot, this is a way to play with many numbers, you can play many numbers at once. The rate of eating lots is also high and reducing damage to the person hit.