In the country, there are today many people who have a passion for sports and games. Sport combined with a game always gives an extra heart rate boost and certainly it is more interesting to see a match in round 32 in the middle of the elite league 실시간티비및방송 if you have tipped it. However, not all tippers have so much knowledge of the sports in question. They may not have the time, opportunity or passion required to find out as much information as possible about the matches to be played.
- For these, Svenska Spel has developed the odds directly, which is basically exactly the same as Harry Boy, namely that someone else is betting on you. If you buy the odds directly, you participate in the lunge, match and bomb for the day. The one who tips you is the Xpert. It is a system Swedish games have that is built on that 10 experts in the sport that is played provide their tips. If you have a favorite team that plays that day, for example, you yourself would never be able to bet against Arsenal or blue and white, you can only state that when you bet they are set as automatic winners.
How to play Oddset directly?
There are 5 different bet levels for the odds directly. SEK 50, SEK 100, SEK 150, SEK 200 or SEK 500. There is a given template for how much you bet per part of the odds directly depending on which level you choose. A table for this is provided below. The odds can be played directly at your tip shop or directly on the internet via you’re playing card. Don’t forget that you can specify your favorite team to be set as automatic winners. There is nothing worse than sitting and holding on to your favorite team when watching an important match.
Different game levels for the odds directly
- Below you can see a table showing what you are betting on when choosing the price level of the odds directly.
- As you can see here, the bomb costs most in the vast majority of cases. Of course, this is because the bomb is by far the most difficult part of the odds directly and therefore needs more effort than the others.
Generally about the odds directly
This is an extremely simple game where you also get tips from 10 experts. Something that may feel so important if you do not have such a good look yourself. In addition, you can quickly tip and you don’t have to spend any time yourself at all. This, combined with the fact that you can always bet on your favorite team, makes the odds directly into a very fun game. However, nothing is right for the serious tipper. A serious thinker usually wants to find out facts and information about the law itself rather than relying on completely foreign people. So finally you can say that the odds directly are an excellent game for the hobby player who wants a little bit of hints before tip Saturday while the more serious player would rather put their own bet.